But the Back Were Off I Have to Get It Down Again It Does the Heart Won Wear Off

Older man talking to pharmacist about medicine

People who are over 65 years old tend to accept more than medicines than whatsoever other age group. Considering older adults may have a number of diseases or health bug at the same fourth dimension, it is mutual for them to take many different kinds of drugs. Here are some answers to common questions older adults may accept about their medications.

On this page:

  • I've been taking the same prescription medicine for years. Even though I'm careful to take the same amount as always, the medicine is non working like information technology did in the past. What is happening?
  • Why should I talk to my doctor about the herbal remedies, vitamins, and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines I accept, along with my regular prescriptions?
  • Why practise I demand to keep track of the agile ingredients in my medications?
  • My doctor used abbreviations in my prescription, only I'm not sure what they mean. How do I find out?
  • What are side effects?
  • I'thousand getting sick to my tummy a lot since I started my new pills. Some days I feel and so sick I remember most not taking the medicine. What should I exercise?
  • What does it hateful to take medicines on an empty stomach?
  • I'm feeling better. Is information technology okay to cease taking my medicine?

I've been taking the same prescription medicine for years. Even though I'yard careful to have the aforementioned corporeality as always, the medicine is not working similar it did in the past. What is happening?

As you lot age, normal changes happen in the trunk. Y'all lose water and muscle tone. As well, your kidneys and liver may non pass the drugs as chop-chop through your system as when you were younger. This means that many medicines human activity differently in older people. Medicine may take longer to exit your organization. Talk to your doctor if y'all recollect your medicine is non working as it should.

Why should I talk to my doctor most the herbal remedies, vitamins, and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines I have, along with my regular prescriptions?

Information technology is very of import to tell your doc about all the medicines y'all accept. Taking certain OTC medicines with your prescription drugs tin can exist dangerous. For example, you should not accept aspirin if y'all accept warfarin (Coumadin®, Jantoven®) for heart problems.

Some OTC drugs, vitamins, and other remedies tin can lead to serious problems if used too often or with certain other drugs. Combining drugs without talking to your doc could brand yous sick.

Why exercise I need to keep track of the active ingredients in my medications?

Learn which agile ingredients are in the prescription and OTC medicines you have then that you don't take more than 1 medicine that contains the aforementioned active ingredient(south). For example, if your cough syrup contains acetaminophen, don't accept information technology at the same time every bit a pain reliever that contains acetaminophen. Taking more than 1 medicine with the aforementioned active ingredient could result in getting likewise much of that ingredient, which could damage your liver or lead to other serious health problems.

My medico used abbreviations in my prescription, simply I'chiliad not sure what they mean. How do I notice out?

Doctors and pharmacists oft utilize abbreviations or terms that may not be familiar. Hither is an explanation of some of the near mutual abbreviations y'all will see on the labels of your prescription medications:

Common Abbreviations for Prescriptions
Abbreviation Explanation
p.r.n. as needed
q.d. every day
b.i.d. twice a day
t.i.d. three times a mean solar day
q.i.d. four times a day
a.c. before meals
p.c. after meals
h.s. at bedtime
p.o. past mouth
ea. each

What are side effects?

Unwanted or unexpected symptoms or feelings, such every bit upset stomach, sleepiness, and dizziness, that happen when you take a medicine are called side furnishings. Some side effects happen but when you start taking a medicine. Some happen only once in a while. But other side effects may make you lot want to stop taking the medicine. Tell your doctor if this happens. He or she may be able to prescribe a different medicine or help y'all deal with side effects in other means.

I'grand getting sick to my tum a lot since I started my new pills. Some days I feel and so ill I think about not taking the medicine. What should I exercise?

Talk to your doctor about any side furnishings before yous stop taking any medicines. Your doctor may accept tips that can aid, such as eating a light snack with your pills. Yous may desire to talk to your dr. virtually switching to a new medicine.

What does information technology mean to take medicines on an empty stomach?

Taking medicines on an empty stomach means that you should take your pills two hours earlier yous eat or 2 hours after y'all eat.

Two examples:

  1. Swallow first and take the pills 2 hours later on. If you consume breakfast at 8 a.g., wait until ten a.grand. to accept your pills.
  2. Or take the pills first and swallow ii hours later. If you take your pills at viii:00 a.k., wait until 10 a.grand. to swallow.

In both cases, your stomach volition be empty enough for the pills to piece of work.

I'm feeling better. Is information technology okay to stop taking my medicine?

No, even if you are feeling better, y'all should not stop taking your prescription drug unless your doctor says it is okay.

For more than information well-nigh taking medicines safely, see Safe Use of Medicines for Older Adults.

This content is provided past the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). NIA scientists and other experts review this content to ensure it is accurate and upwardly to date.


Source: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/medicines-common-questions-answered

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