Canning Vegetable Beef Soup After It Has Been Fully Cooked

We are spoiled rotten when it comes to our nutrient and it is 100% my fault. Our standards have been raised so high that we are akin to food snobs now. Not in the sense that the food needs to be expensive and fancy but in terms of existence organically grown and from heirloom seeds.Those kind of snobs. And now it has morphed over into our 'fast food.' Those wonderful rut-and-eat, catch and go meals that you buy at the store just don't measure upwardly since I started making my ain.

How to Pressure Can Meals in a Jar

I, like most homesteader/prepper type people, have seen the dehydrated meals in a jar that are vacuum sealed up but what virtually those wonderful estrus-and-eat ones similar you can buy in the store? Sometime early last year, I decided that I would try my hand at jarring upwards actual meals into pint jars for a quick luncheon or quart sizes that Mister Dreamer and I could open upward afterwards a especially long solar day at work. I started out only enough: making large pots of some of our favorite soups and then merely force per unit area canning them upwards but I wanted something more. I wanted to exist able to pop open a jar of fully cooked and safe food that I could heat up and consume or, if need be, just open up and swallow right away. Thus began my journey and I do believe I have information technology down to a scientific discipline.

I almost feel guilty because of how incredibly easy information technology is. I never posted virtually it because I figured people would be let down that in that location isn't some magical or particularly complex secret to making your ain! Another reason is I don't measure things out. The only fourth dimension I use measuring cups or spoons is when I am using a cookbook then it can go far a little difficult to draw how I make something that tastes amazing but tin't give defined amounts of spices. I will effort to do my best here and encourage you lot to explore and play with the spices that suits your family unit'south tastebuds.


**The following is based on the use of pint jars and a mid-sized pressure canner. My Presto 23qt canner holds xvi pints. This likewise assumes that y'all know how to pressure can and take some confidence in your abilities.**

  • 1-2 Pounds of Meat – Chicken, Pork, or Beef, Venison, etc – cubed
  • Veggies – This is a very personal choice and some veggies will not hold up to the longer canning times required. I use carrots, potatoes, celery, onion, garlic, green beans, etc. They are cut thicker because thin slices of potatoes and carrots can cook abroad during processing.
  • Dry Beans – Pinto, Kidney, Black Eye, etc. I prefer using pinto. Practice not pre-soak beans just be certain to check them for any bad beans.
  • Stock or Water – I make my own vegetable stock simply you can use water or shop bought stock flavors. Mind the salt content. Yous can e'er add information technology later simply taking information technology away is much harder.
  • Spices – To your gustation. I usually put some fresh onions and garlic in the jars with a trivial pepper. I accept also used spice blends like a dash of Montreal Steak Seasoning (which is AMAZING) to requite some variety. No affair how much you like garlic beef, 16 pints of information technology is plenty to make anyone sick of it and yes, that is experience talking. 😉


Pantry ShelfWhen pressure level canning any combination of foods, the overall time for processing should exist based on whichever takes the longest. Considering there is meat involved in these jars, we use the processing time of 75 minutes for pints and xc minutes for quarts. Be certain to consult your pressure canner's instructions for specifics on pressure/processing times for your summit. We live correct at ocean level and so our goal is 11 pounds of pressure.

Brand sure your jars are clean before starting but you don't need to heat everything up to commencement out. Have warmer water within the pressure level canner simply you practice non need to have it humid hot. I take washed both hot and common cold pack methods when making my meals in a jar and have found that it is faster and easier to do the cold, raw pack.

Assuming you have everything chopped/cubed and ready to go, line upwards the jars and start the associates line. While y'all are filling the jars, gets your lids in hot h2o to soften the seals. Y'all can fill the jars even so you want to! Play, experiment, and allow your diabolical side play a little. For me, I prefer to do things in layers to more hands estimate how much of each ingredient I accept. Hither is the general fashion I make full my jars.

  • one/3rd cup dry out pinto beans (for a pint jar)
  • 4-6 two inch meat chunks
  • A layer of onions and garlic
  • A healthy layer of potatoes
  • A layer of carrots and green beans
  • A petty celery
  • Spices on summit

Many people put spices on the bottom simply I prefer for them to be on top then there is less chance of them being 'stuck' at the bottom during processing. Add together your preferred stock or simply add together in hot water. Be sure to mix it upward a little! You lot can increase the beans to i/two loving cup, add together meat and some garlic/onions and call it good. Variety is actually important and it makes it fun to play around with. This is also a really fantastic fashion to use upwards some of the vegetables that are starting to get a niggling old or meat that has been in the freezer andneeds to be used upward earlier it goes bad.


I learned the amount of beans to put in pint jars through trial and error. I always try to make sure my canner is total when I run a batch so when information technology comes to canning up jars of meat, I would fill up any spots with jars of pinto beans to be used in soups, stews, chili, and making refried beans. Just put, always put less than you think yous can become abroad with. Putting also many dry beans into the jar will result in either a jar that doesn't seal or semi-burnt beans that are in a higher place the water/stock line.

Trimming the fatty from your meat is very important. If in that location is as well much fat, it tin crusade the seal to neglect because the oils won't allow the rubber to grip the jar. A niggling fat is good and fifty-fifty of import for flavor but large chunks should be cutting away.

Rice or lentils arenon recommended for making meals in a jar. Aye, they will exist fully cooked but they will also turn to mush in the bottom of the jar. They are still 100% edible (and tasty at that) only equally far as texture and aesthetics go, yous may want to skip them.

Don't make an unabridged batch exactly the same unless you are doing multiple batches and so you can change up the flavors!

Sage isnot recommended for canning spice. It can turn bitter and ruin all the flavors (by overpowering) so all you lot taste is the sage. In that location are varying opinions on this simply when I tested it, I learned that the advice was expressionless on. Bleck!

We only buy meat twice a year, when on sale. Afterward the meat reaches the i year marker in the freezer (nosotros repackage and vacuum seal it), it is taken out and canned up into either jarred meat or these meals. It savesa lot of coin and makes your food stretch out a long time.


This is just one of the ways you tin take back control over how your food is processed and what goes into the final repast. It is very easy to make large pots of soups and chili for dinner and and then pressure level jar them up the adjacent twenty-four hour period for fifty-fifty more heat-and-eat meals in a jar. Do you have whatsoever favorites? Give u.s.a. a comment beneath with questions and ideas!


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