Philly Gourmet Beef Steaks 9 Oz


Original Philly™ sliced beefiness and chicken are the go-to ingredients for all kinds of restaurants and foodservice venues—from the core of archetype cheesesteaks to hearty poly peptide power in innovative carte du jour concepts.

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Original Philly™ Authentic Beefiness Flat Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Moderately marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Lawmaking: M-3

Portion: 53 / iii oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Moderately marinated to raise flavor.

Product Code: M-4

Portion: 40 / 2.5 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed apartment steak. Moderately marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: M-five

Portion: 32 / 2.5 oz.

Instance Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Moderately marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: M-six

Portion: 27 / two.5 oz.

Example Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beef alloy, chunked and formed apartment steak. Moderately marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Code: M-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Moderately marinated to enhance season.

Product Code: M-eight

Portion: 20 / 8 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Non-Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed apartment steak.

Product Code: SLOIN-4

Portion: 40 / iv oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beefiness Flat Steak Non-Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak.

Product Code: SLOIN-v

Portion: 32 / five oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Beef Flat Steak Non-Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed flat steak.

Product Lawmaking: SLOIN-vi

Portion: 27 / half-dozen oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Non-Marinated

A beefiness alloy, chunked and formed flat steak.

Production Code: SLOIN-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Not-Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak.

Product Code: SLOIN-8

Portion: 20 / 8 oz.

Instance Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beefiness Flat Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Code: STIP-iv

Portion: twoscore / 4 oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed apartment steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: STIP-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Lawmaking: WOW-3

Portion: 53 / 3 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed apartment steak. Marinated to enhance flavour.

Product Code: WOW-four

Portion: twoscore / 4 oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beef alloy, chunked and formed apartment steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: WOW-5

Portion: 32 / 5 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Beef Flat Steak Marinated

A beefiness alloy, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to raise flavor.

Product Code: WOW-half dozen

Portion: 27 / half dozen oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to heighten flavor.

Product Code: WOW-7

Portion: 23 / vii oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Beef Apartment Steak Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance season.

Product Code: WOW-8

Portion: twenty / viii oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Flat Steak Non-Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed.

Product Lawmaking: CH-iv

Portion: xl / 4 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Craven Flat Steak Non-Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed.

Product Code: CH-v

Portion: 32 / v oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Craven Flat Steak Not-Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed.

Product Code: CH-vi

Portion: 27 / six oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Craven Flat Steak Non-Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed.

Product Code: CH-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Apartment Steak Non-Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed.

Production Lawmaking: CH-8

Portion: 20 / 8 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Apartment Steak Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to enhance flavor.

Production Code: MCH-3

Portion: 53 / three oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Flat Steak Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural craven seasonings to enhance flavor.

Product Code: MCH-four

Portion: 40 / 4 oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Chicken Flat Steak Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to heighten season.

Product Code: MCH-5

Portion: 32 / 5 oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Craven Flat Steak Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to enhance flavor.

Production Lawmaking: MCH-half-dozen

Portion: 27 / half-dozen oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Apartment Steak Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural craven seasonings to enhance flavor.

Production Code: MCH-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Chicken Apartment Steak Marinated

Premium craven, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to enhance flavor.

Production Code: MCH-viii

Portion: 20 / 8 oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Ribeye Flat Steak Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance flavour.

Production Code: RIB-iii

Portion: 53 / three oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Accurate Ribeye Flat Steak Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Code: RIB-four

Portion: 40 / iv oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Ribeye Flat Steak Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed flat steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: RIB-v

Portion: 32 / five oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Authentic Ribeye Apartment Steak Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed apartment steak. Marinated to enhance flavour.

Production Code: RIB-viii

Portion: twenty / 8 oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Beef Bulk Slices Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed flat steak. Moderately marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Code: Thou-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Beef Bulk Slices Non-Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed.

Product Code: SLOIN-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Beefiness Bulk Slices Marinated

A beef alloy, chunked and formed. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Product Code: STIP-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Beef Bulk Slices Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed. Marinated to enhance flavour.

Product Code: WOW-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Breakaway® Beef Highly Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to heighten flavor and value.

Product Code: DDD-five

Portion: 32 / v oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Breakaway® Beef Highly Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise flavor and value.

Product Lawmaking: DDD-4

Portion: xl / 4 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Breakaway® Chicken Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to enhance season.

Product Lawmaking: DDD-MCH5

Portion: 32 / five oz.

Example Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Chicken Bulk Slices Marinated

Premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural chicken seasonings to enhance flavour.

Production Code: MCH-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Halal Beefiness Apartment Steak Marinated

Halal Certified beef blend, chunked and formed apartment steak. Marinated to enhance flavor.

Production Lawmaking: HAL-STK-4

Portion: xl / iv oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Original Philly™ Halal Chicken Flat Steak Marinated

Halal Certified premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural craven seasonings to enhance flavor.

Product Code: HAL-MCH-4

Portion: 40 / iv oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Halal Chicken Flat Steak Marinated

Halal Certified premium chicken, chunked and formed, moderately marinated with natural craven seasonings to heighten flavor.

Product Code: HAL-MCH-6

Portion: 27 / six oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Ribeye Bulk Slices Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed. Marinated to heighten flavor.

Product Code: RIB-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Ribeye Bulk Slices Not-Marinated

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed.

Product Code: CMPS-RIB-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Original Philly™ Ribeye Bulk Slices North/A

Ribeye rolls, chunked and formed.

Production Code: XFIN-RIB-BLK

Portion: ii.5 oz.

Example Weight: x lbs.

Value Brand Beef Bulk Slices Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beefiness, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Product Code: VAL-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: x lbs.

Value Brand Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise flavor and value.

Product Code: VAL-four

Portion: 40 / iv oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Value Make Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise season and value.

Product Code: VAL-5

Portion: 32 / v oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Value Brand Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Production Code: VAL-half dozen

Portion: 27 / half dozen oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Value Brand Traditional Beef Apartment Steak Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beefiness, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to heighten season and value.

Product Code: VAL-eight

Portion: twenty / 8 oz.

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Value Make Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Whole muscle beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavour and value.

Product Code: VAL-vii

Portion: 23 / vii oz.

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Ben Franklin Brand Beef Bulk Slices Highly Marinated

Sirloin beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Product Lawmaking: Bluntly-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Ben Franklin Brand Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Sirloin beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Product Lawmaking: Bluntly-4

Portion: 40 / 4 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Ben Franklin Brand Traditional Beefiness Flat Steak Highly Marinated

Sirloin beef, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavour and value.

Product Code: FRANKLY-5

Portion: 32 / 5 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Ben Franklin Brand Traditional Beef Apartment Steak Highly Marinated

Sirloin beefiness, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance season and value.

Product Lawmaking: FRANKLY-half-dozen

Portion: 27 / 6 oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Ben Franklin Brand Traditional Beef Apartment Steak Highly Marinated

Sirloin beefiness, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Production Lawmaking: Frankly-viii

Portion: xx / eight oz.

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Beef Bulk Slices Highly Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise flavor and value.

Product Code: BB-BLK

Portion: Stack Pack

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Make® Traditional Beef Apartment Steak Highly Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise flavour and value.

Product Lawmaking: BB-3

Portion: 53 / 3 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Make® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Production Code: BB-4

Portion: 40 / four oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beefiness alloy, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to heighten season and value.

Product Lawmaking: BB-5

Portion: 32 / 5 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Make® Traditional Beefiness Apartment Steak Highly Marinated

A beef alloy, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance season and value.

Product Code: BB-3

Portion: 53 / 3 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beefiness blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to raise flavor and value.

Product Code: BB-4

Portion: 40 / 4 oz.

Case Weight: x lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to heighten season and value.

Product Code: BB-5

Portion: 32 / v oz.

Example Weight: x lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to heighten flavor and value.

Product Code: BB-vi

Portion: 27 / half dozen oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Boardwalk Brand® Traditional Beef Flat Steak Highly Marinated

A beef blend, chunked and formed. Highly marinated to enhance flavor and value.

Product Code: BB-7

Portion: 23 / 7 oz.

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef North/A

A beef blend, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Production Code: PP18-BLK

Portion: four / 2.5-lb. bags

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beefiness N/A

A beef blend using actress lean cuts, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Product Code: XDPP-18-BLK

Portion: 4 / 2.5-lb. numberless

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef N/A

A beef blend, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Production Lawmaking: NCCLN-BLK

Portion: 4 / 2.5-lb. numberless

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef N/A

A beefiness blend,seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Product Lawmaking: PT-BLK

Portion: four / 2.5-lb. bags

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef North/A

A beef blend using extra lean cuts, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Production Code: XDPT-BLK

Portion: iv / 2.five-lb. numberless

Case Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef N/A

A beefiness blend,seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Product Lawmaking: PP-BLK

Portion: 4 / 2.v-lb. bags

Example Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beefiness w/ Onions Due north/A

A beef blend, seasoned and fully cooked with onions.

Product Lawmaking: PO-BLK

Portion: 4 / 2.5-lb. bags

Instance Weight: 10 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Beef westward/ Onions & Peppers Due north/A

A beef blend, seasoned and fully cooked with onions and peppers.

Product Code: PPO-BLK

Portion: 4 / ii.v-lb. numberless

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Brand Fully Cooked Chicken N/A

Premium chicken, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Product Lawmaking: PC12-BLK

Portion: 4 / 3-lb. bags

Example Weight: 12 lbs.

Philadelphia PreCooked Make Fully Cooked Craven N/A

Premium chicken, seasoned and fully cooked in natural juices.

Product Code: PC-BLK

Portion: 4 / two.5-lb. bags

Case Weight: ten lbs.

Original Philly™ Cheesesteak Egg Rolls N/A

Fully cooked sliced beefiness steak, sautéed onions and cheese, wrapped in a traditional egg noodle crust.

Production Code: PHILCH-EGGROLLS

Portion: lx / 2.five oz.

Case Weight: 9.325 lbs.

Original Philly™ Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteak Egg Rolls Northward/A

Fully cooked chicken slices, mozzarella cheese and spicy Buffalo sauce seasoning, wrapped in a golden brown, crispy egg whorl chaff.

Production Lawmaking: BCE-ii.5

Portion: 60 / two.5 oz.

Example Weight: ix.375 lbs.


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